Atopia I
Denn das ist so eine Sitte, welche er ansich hat: zuweilen geht er abseits,wo es sich gerade trifft, und bleibt stehen.
Atopos – (…) unclassifiable, of aceaselessly unforeseen originality(…)
At that moment, I was exoneratinghim from all criticism or commentary.As innocence, atopia resists description,definition, language, which is maya,classification of Names (of Faults).Being Atopic, the other makes languageindecisive.
The Rustle of Language
–Roland Barthes
with Jan Kiefer, Cassidy Toner, Isadora Vogt, Anjesa Dellova, Samuel Haitz, Benedikt Bock, Othmar Farré, Roman Selim Khereddine, Miruh Frutiger, Coline Mir, Selina Lutz, Mia Sanchez, Agnes Scherer, Maximilian Kirmse, Felix Oehmann, Zina Isupova, Hassina Taalbi, Keren Cytter, Connor Crawford, Carla-Luisa Reuter, Simon Buckley, Robert Brambora, Aurélie Ferruel & Florentine Guédon, fid.fischer and Louis Meyer