Isabelle Andriessen, Brigham Baker, Isabell Bullerschen, Chloe Delarue, Maya Hottarek, Val Minnig
kuratiert von Kristina Grigorjeva
Six positions on entropy.
This year’s group exhibition Issue de secours at BINZ39 offers six positions on the topic of entropy. Conceived as a conversation and as an exchange, this exhibition gives no answers, it only asks questions. How can we take care of each other? Is there a way out of the mess? How do we react in an emergency? And is there an emergency exit?
Do, 20.05.21
18 -21Uhr
Open Studios Stiftung BINZ39
Sa, 12.06.21
15 - 18Uhr
Artist Talk Daniel V Keller/Lithic Alliance
So, 13.06.21